Holistic Pelvic Floor Physio Hobart
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At The Pelvic Studio our physiotherapists work closely with the very experienced and very talented, remedial massage therapist, Simone Jackson. 

If there is a muscular tension component to your pelvic dysfunction/pain, your pelvic physiotherapist may recommend the benefits of massage and myofascial release. Our physiotherapists can provide Simone, with detailed handovers regarding which body areas to focus on, and which specific muscles to release.

Simone is excellent at specific muscular release, such as working on your abdominals, hip flexors, and glutes. Simone also chases fascial tension and may work from the tips of your toes, all the way to your jaw. Releasing fascial tension helps to decompress your joints and free-up your body, allowing your muscles to work more effectively. 

If appropriate, massage can be a great adjunct to your pelvic physiotherapy management plan and compliment your exercise rehabilitation.  

 Simone has been practising remedial massage for over 18 years and seems to create the perfect mix of pleasure and pain. Simone just seems to know how to find those 'tight spots' but at the same time create such a pleasurable experience so that you just float out of The Pelvic Studio after your massage!

Simone sees males and females of all ages but has a special interest in pregnancy massage.


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 At The Pelvic Studio we often say “If there’s any stage in life were you deserve a regular massage - it’s either when you’re pregnant or postnatal!”.  During pregnancy, your body is going through such vast changes (changes in your posture, weight distribution, and load to your joints and muscles); a regular massage can help your body to better adapt to these changes and may help to ease/prevent subtle aches and pain. Regular massage is also excellent in the postnatal period. As a new mum you are doing so much lifting, carrying, settling and feeding that your neck and upper body can become very tight and restricted. Postnatally, your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor are still recovering and may not be providing as much fine-tuned support to your back and pelvis. Often, your bigger back muscles, hip flexors and glutes try to compensate for this lack of abdominal support and this can lead to a tight lower back and hips. Massage is a great adjunct to your stretching and exercise rehabilitation too and may help to reduce tension and improve the function of your muscles. Massage is also an excellent form of self-care and may not only restore your body but assist in restoration of your mind!

Simone provides us with her talented hands on Mondays and Tuesdays. Bookings can be made online by selecting the service "remedial massage" or by giving us a call. Private health rebates apply.